The Streamroller Of Life.

Never look at your life as something insignificant . Never forget,those friends of yours that you loved .

我想了很久. 也考慮了.
所以 , '我不配' 真的很適合我 . =D

Nothing stands still . There's a saying that goes " if you stop moving, you will get run over" .
The business circles have this oft-said mantra : "If you stop growing , you start dying."
       It seems every bit of advice on personal growth seems to centre on continual improvement ,continual progression and continual evolution .Doesn't it sound tiring ? I know some of you are thinking , " This is crazy ! You mean our whole life we've just got to keep on moving? If not we will actually get run over? Life will actually come by and streamroll us?
      Yes, put up your hands in despair at the crazy situation of it all . Get angry about the rat race . Disconnect yourself from all the gadgets in your life . throw them all away and release yourself from the grid . Go where no one can find you , where this streamroller of Life will not run you over if you choose to stop moving and growing . Go off to your island , sleep in a hammock all day and hunt for wild pheasants all night .
       I , however , would like to point out the reality . In order for us to achieve success in our lives , we have no choice , but to keep progressing and improving . Life doesn't like people who stand still . There is evidence that if you don't keep yourself busy after you retire , your brain stops working and you age faster . If you stop thinking, you stop being . You have officially been run over by the StreamRoller of Life and don't even know it .

      Ignorance may be kind , but in this case , it's not going to be kind to your wallet . So keep moving . Keep coming up with something new . Suprise everyone . Suprise yourself ! Never , ever settle in a been-there-done-that rut . It's the only way you will survive the long-term ,

       Beware the Streamroller of Life .

