The Streamroller Of Life.

Never look at your life as something insignificant . Never forget,those friends of yours that you loved .

Was too tired due to my assignment that makes me awake for whole night ...So i ended up overslept and made me rushing to TARC ..

Due to my hectic-ness , I fall asleep on LRT ...and guess what happened ..I almost miss the Wangsa Maju Station( that's where I should head towards ..When I awake and I just realized I already reached the station , and the sound of alarm beeping warning that the door is going to close and so yea , I ran and I managed to come out ..But the worst is I left my briefcase inside !!!I was like WHAT THE *TooT* ...I'm going to be late and gotta ignore all these first ..

I'm in CITC now ..worrying what should I do right now . Because all my documents were inside ! INCLUDING MY OFFER LETTER ; ORIGINAL ! Ah !!!
Shit ..Im still need offer letter for the PTPTN application and now it's gone ...BAD LUCK .


what the...O.o'' Did you managed to retrieve your belonging?

