Oh Noooo ...
I'm starting to get addicted blogging >.<
That's because I learned to write diary during National Service everyday ...
So for this 3 months , I'm starting to get used write my daily stuffs...
So including now also , No Diary .. Then BLOG luh . *Faint*
I guess there's a good thing after all .
I'm got used to Morning exercise during NS .. So even I'm back .. I just felt so itchy and I asked my buddies to join with me .. At first I planned to jog in the morning but they said wanted to play basketball and I thought that was pretty good idea too . And so , we played at 7 a.m . Haha . Then stopped at 9 a.m .
And then , I went to cyber cafe to surf internet , and I met Calvin . Out of sudden , he asked me to find people who are unemployed or interested to do sales about Unifi . Actually it's not only Unifi as their products .. Just that it's their first product to work with . I guessed I might try to help him by promote in Facebook and try my luck lo . Heh . (I might perhaps try to work part time )
Guess what we did during 'working'? Haha , I wasn't working but I'm following him . We started at 1 p.m and ended at 3 p.m .. Haha!! It's that even called as working? lol . Because he is short of people to open a booth for the sales . So we're just wonder around and try to ask some shops whether they got Unifi already or not ..
Then we passed by Leisure Mall and went in ...And then we went and watched Transformer 3 : Dark Of The Moon

I know I know .. So freaking late only watched . But I got no choice since I just back from National Service .. haha xD .
Comments for the Movie : Excellent .. Epic !!
And thus that's the end of my day for today . X)
Teeheee !
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